Video: Continuous Integration With Cypress

category: Cypress

Join us on Monday, September 23rd at 2 pm EDT/11 am PDT to learn how to set up Cypress correctly on a variety of CI providers, from TeamCity to Travis to Circle—hosted by Justin James, Founder of Let Your Nerd be Heard, and Gleb Bahmutov, VP of Engineering at Cypress. They’ll show solutions to the common problems Cypress users experience, and will give tips on how to configure Cypress to run tests against several environments: development, staging, and production.

In this hour-long webcast with live Q&A, we'll cover:
- The difference between "cypress open" vs "cypress run"
- Setting up Cypress on CI
- CI examples
- Running Cypress tests inside a Docker image: common “Gotchas”
- Testing different environments
- And more!

I have this link here so I can reference it when I do my deep dive into Cypress && GH Actions. 

∞ This link was created on May 13, 2021 and updated on May 14, 2021 ∞