AWS Serverless

AWS Serverless

This is a catch-all category for Amazon Web Services serverless services (I just could not help myself). Only DynamoDB has its own category. 

Pinned Links

All Thing Distributed (blog post link)
→ Werner Vogels blog.
→ blog post link
AWS re:Invent 2014 Announcing AWS Lambda (video link)
→ The 2014 re:Invent session announcing Lambda
→ video link
Serverless Architectures with AWS Lambda: Overview and Best Practices, November 2017 (pdf link)
→ This AWS whitepaper is meant to provide you with a broad overview of AWS Lambda, its features, and a slew of recommendations and best practices for building your own serverless applications on AWS
→ pdf link
Choosing between AWS Lambda data storage options in web apps (blog post link)
→ In this blog post, I explain the differences between these options, and discuss common use-cases to help you choose for your own applications.
→ blog post link

The Sneaky Weakness Behind AWS’ Managed KMS Keys
→ The problem with Lambda’s KMS keys
5 Lessons I’ve Learned After 2 Billion Lambda Executions
→ At this point, we have more than 250 lambda functions that have executed over 2 billion times in total...

Article Links

A different way of retrieving secrets in Lambda functions
→ We can now retrieve secrets with the new Parameter Store and Secrets Manager extension. We don't need the SDK for this operation, which means a smaller package size and faster deployment for our Lambda functions.
The Complete Guide to AWS KMS
→ AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) is a managed service that makes it easy for you to create and control the cryptographic keys used to protect your data
AWS Lambda Event Resources
→ Collect as many resources on AWS Lambda events from schema, examples to code libraries.
Lambda Provisioned Concurrency - Improving AWS Lambda Cold Start Times
→ This article explains what cold starts are, why they occur, and how to get rid of them with Provisioned Concurrency.
Get AWS Billing Every Day with EventBridge, Lambda, and SNS
→ Whenever I use AWS resources, one of the great concerning things is Billing. Cost Explore offers billing information and I tried to automate this billing information. In this post, I would share a way to get notified with AWS billing every day.
AWS Lambda: Under the Hood — How Lambda Works
→ Introduction to how Lambda works.
Starter Guide & “Things I wish I knew before” for AWS Lambda
→ More of a nice summary of Lambda, less of a "wish I knew".
How to run API Gateway, AWS Lambda and DynamoDB locally
→ Ever felt the urge to do cloud development while on a boat or a train? Guess what, you can!

Blog Post Links

Lambda: Defense in Depth
→ AWS defines Lambda as a “serverless, event-driven compute service that lets you run code for virtually any type of application or back-end…
Source & Binary / You should have lots of AWS accounts
→ All of the reasons to have lots of AWS accounts boil down to different forms of desirable isolation. As the original form of isolation in AWS, predating IAM entirely, AWS accounts are the most complete form of isolation on offer.
Why I switched from AWS CodePipeline to GitHub Actions
→ GitHub Actions makes it much easier for developers to maintain their delivery pipelines and respond to the feedback it provides in their daily work.
AWS Lambda Now Supports Up to 10 GB Ephemeral Storage (for a fee)
→ You can continue to use up to 512 MB for free and are charged for the amount of storage you configure over the free limit for the duration of invokes, up to 10Gb.
Choosing the right solution for AWS Lambda external parameters
→ When using AWS Lambd, customers often need to retrieve parameters from an external source at runtime. This allows you to share parameter values across multiple functions or microservices, providing a single source of truth for updates.
Gateway Load Balancers : Deep Packet Manipulation
→ It’s inspecting and modifying network traffic in general that is extremely difficult. Especially non-trivial modifications. Let's take a look.
Handling Secrets with AWS
→ Excellent look at Systems Manager Parameter Store and AWS Secrets Manager
Saving on AWS Lambda Amazon CloudWatch Logs costs
→ This blog post will showcase one technique I'm aware of that, in my personal opinion, works excellent for this particular use case.
Building PHP Lambda functions with Docker container images
→ This blog post explains those benefits and shows how to use the new container image support for Lambda functions to build serverless PHP applications.
Migrating AWS Lambda functions to Arm-based AWS Graviton2 processors
→ This blog post highlights some considerations when moving from x86 to arm64 as the migration process is code and workload dependent.
How to get started with OrgFormation
→ AWS Organization Formation is an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool for AWS Organizations.
The CDK’s Most Fundamental Flaw is Fixable
→ The CDK’s approach of client-side generation of CloudFormation templates is deeply flawed, but eminently fixable.
AWS S3: Why sometimes you should press the $100k button
→ When storing in S3 gets away from you
Two Views of Lambda Diverged in a Yellow Wood
→ Decouple how you think about Lambda from the request invocation.
The serverless LAMP stack part 4: Building a serverless Laravel application
→ Part 4 of a good blog series on AWS compute blog.

GitHub Links

A curated list of awesome AWS Lambda Layers
→ Excellent list. Might be dated.
Splash Pseudo Lambda Shell
→ A pseudo shell re-invoking the Lambda for each command.

Podcast Link

Full Stack Radio #120: Taylor Otwell - Serverless Laravel With Vapor
→ Adam talks to Taylor Otwell about Laravel Vapor, the new serverless platform for Laravel applications that was recently announced at Laracon US.

Video Links

re:Invent 2021 Serverless Breakout Sessions (YouTube)
→ Videos of the nine serverless breakout sessions at re:Invent 2021.
Serverless architectural patterns and best practices (re:Invent 2019)
→ Reusable serverless patterns while considering costs.
A Serverless Journey: Lambda Under the Hood (re:Invent 2018)
→ How Lambda takes care of everything required to run and scale your code.

Website Links

Last Week in AWS
→ Blog and podcasts and stuff about AWS.
AWS Event-Driven Architecture Home Page
→ AWS event driven architecture home page.